Occupy Your Heart is about uplifting the spirit and tapping into those heart-felt resources that are available to us all. Each story, poem or blog post is designed to take you into your Heart Space. That's where change occurs and where your God Self lies waiting. Are you ready to Occupy Your Heart? 2012 stands before us with all its invitations and blessings. "Now Is The Time"
Dr Moe
Here's a link to an interview I did for Careers In Pscyhology.Org It tells the story of how I came to be a therapist and what being a Spiritual Psychologist means to me.
Below are 2 videos we shot over the past weekend announcing our upcoming concert for Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos, Wayshowers, all of you who are now aware of your role as Carriers of the Light.
This concert will be broadcast from my Home Studio, 10 minutes away from beautiful Niagara Falls, a power center of significant proportions, whos Hydro Electric capabilities were launched by the genius of Nikola Tesla.
Here's the link to the Stageit Concert for June 5, 2012: